Get a library card?
Adults and Parents/Guardians of children must present a picture ID and a proof of address (something other than their ID with their name and current address on it) to get a card for themselves and/or minor children under age 18. Those eligible to apply for a card, Adult (18-64), Senior (65+), or Part-Time Resident must live, work, or own property in Johnson County. Non-Resident cards may be issued at the Library Director's discretion. Children ages 5-17, with a parent’s or guardian’s signature are eligible for a Juvenile card. NEW PATRONS MAY CHECK OUT ONE BOOK ON THE FIRST VISIT. The original card is free but replacement cards cost $1 each. Unpaid damage to library property, unpaid fines, unpaid replacement cost for library material, or unsuitable behavior in the library can result in a Library card being revoked.
Check out a book, movie or audio material?
Present your card and item(s) you want to check out at the circulation desk. Books, audiobooks and music CDs are checked out for 2 weeks. Overdue fines for material kept beyond that time is 10 cents per day for books and 25 cents per day for CDs. Two (2) DVDs may be checked out on an Adult card for 2 days with an overdue fine of $1 per day per DVD. No DVDs may be checked out on a Juvenile card. A patron in good standing may have up to 5 items checked out on their card. Reference and Genealogy material may not be checked out, with the exception of encyclopedias which may be checked out overnight.
Renew or return a book?
Most items can be renewed if they are not on hold for another patron. Books and CDs can be renewed for 2 weeks. DVDs may be renewed once, for an additional 2 days. Renewals may be done in person at the circulation desk, by phone (423-727-6544), or when signed in to your online account (
You may return your items to the circulation desk; you do not need your library card for returns. If the library is closed, a book drop is provided outside the front door for books only. CDs and DVDs may not be put in the outside book drop or a $1 fine per DVD or 25 cent fine for CDs will be charged to the patron's account. If an Overdue Notice is mailed for items not returned in time, the Library will charge for postage. NO FINES WILL BE CHARGED FOR DAYS THAT THE LIBRARY IS CLOSED.
Place a hold on a book?
You can request or place a hold on a book either in person at the circulation desk, from your online account, by phone, or by sending an email using the contact form on our website. If we do not own the book you want, we can search the Interlibrary Loan system with the other libraries that make up the Organization of Watauga Libraries. Our courier service runs on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. We do not borrow new books or DVDs, but some libraries will lend us audiobooks.
Use a public computer?
We have 10 public PCs with internet access connected to a black and white printer. Everyone wishing to use a computer must stop at the desk and be assigned a computer and given a PIN. Users must read the Internet agreement on the screen, enter the PIN and click "I agree" for one hour of computer time. If no one is waiting to use a computer, additional time can be added, if requested at least 10 minutes before the time is up. Patrons are not allowed to visit inappropriate websites or chat rooms. Computer privileges can be revoked for the following reasons: Unpaid damage to library property, unpaid fines or replacement cost for library material, or unsuitable behavior in the library. Computers are shut down 10 minutes before closing.
Copy or print something?
Photocopies are made by the library staff and are 20 cents per page for 1-9 copies and 10 cents per page for 10 or more copies. If you bring your own paper all copies are 5 cents each. Printouts made from one of the public computers are picked up at the circulation desk and cost the same as photocopies. Please pay attention to what you are printing and ask the staff for help if you are not sure how to print; we do charge you for any mistakes you make.
Use the Library's Wi-Fi?
You may bring your own laptop, tablet, or other wireless device to use in the library, or you may check out one of the library's laptops. We have a Wi-Fi and reading room with tables and chairs available for your use. The library's Wi-Fi is open and does not require a code or password; connect to either Johnson Co Public Library Wi-Fi or Johnson Co Public Library WiFi-Front. To complete the connection to our Wi-Fi you must open your browser, read the Library policy, and hit "Continue." Your wireless device will not have access to our printer. To print from your phone or other device, send the item(s) to the Library email address ( and we will print for you. There is limited support available for your wireless device, library staff may not be able to help you with all problems.
Download an eBook or audio book?
From our library web site, click on "Download eBooks" to go to the READS web site. Sign in by choosing "Johnson County Public Library" and entering the number from the back of your library card (with no spaces.) Enter your PIN (your last name, all lower case.) If you have not already done so, download the Libby App. You may browse for a book using one of the categories or search for a particular title or author. Click "Borrow" to get the book you want. If it is not available click "Place Hold" and you will be sent an email when the book is available for you to borrow. You can choose the format of the book or choose to read it in your browser. If it is a Kindle book, you must also sign in to your Amazon account and click "Get Library Book." (Note: If you have overdue items or fines on your library account you will not be able to download.)
Check my Library account?
From our home page (,) click "Check Your Account". On the library catalog page click "Log In". Enter the barcode number from the back of your library card (with no spaces) and your PIN. By default, your PIN is the first 8 characters of your last name, all lower case. The library can no longer give you your PIN if you have changed it, we can only reset it for you.
Laminating $1 per letter-sized sheet or 50 cents per card
Fax - $1/for each 3 pages sent or received
Document scanning - 20 cents per page (each side)
Online Boating Safety Test
Test Proctoring
Please respect other patrons by keeping your voice low and silencing any phones, pagers, music players, laptops, tablets or other noise-making devices.
Please do not drop children off here. We are not responsible for children left unattended by parents or guardians except during planned library activities.