UPDATE to the Interlibrary Loan Policy: Effective Monday, July 17, 2023, we will resume regular interlibrary loan service. The company that provides our courier service has agreed to finish out their contract. We will continue to receive Monday, Wednesday, and Friday deliveries.
On March 1, 2022, the Library changed to a new circulation system, including a new catalog. Please contact the Library to update your text notification information. The PIN for each account login was reset to the first eight characters of your last name, all lower case.
To ask for service or have a request handled in advance of arrival, Patrons may call 727-6544 or send an email to johnsoncountypubliclibrarytn@gmail.com.
Library card holders may request items using the online library catalog. To access the catalog, open the Library website:www.johnsoncolib.org in a browser and click on the SEARCH link.
The outside book drop may be used at any time for returning BOOKS ONLY. Please do not put the following items in the book drop: CDs, DVDs, donations, trash, or anything that is not a library book.
In addition to library item requests we will print, copy or fax small documents. If the documents are online or on a smartphone, tablet or other electronic device, they must be sent to the library email address, johnsoncountypubliclibrarytn@gmail.com, for us to print them.
Downloadable eBooks, Audio books, and Videos are available for FREE with your library card. Open the library website: www.johnsoncolib.org and click on the Download eBooks or Audio books link in the box on the bottom of the left side of the page. Items that say "Wait List" at the top are not available for immediate download, but enter an email address to be notified when available.
The Library Wi-Fi is available at all times. After connecting to the router, Johnson Co Library Wifi, JCPL-Front, JCPL-BK Mount, or JCPL-Meeting Room, you must open a browser and agree to the Library policy in order to have internet access. We do not have a wireless printer available.
Johnson county
public library